Want to help YAC make a difference?
Join us for our next YAC meeting to learn more!

- Volunteering: Many community organizations ask the YAC for help with local events ranging from litter cleanups to Easter egg hunts to 5k races. YACers are always ready to lend a hand in their community. (See below for the Service Request Application.)
- Philanthropy: The YAC sponsors charitable events throughout the year, including projects like giving out Thanksgiving meals for Family Volunteer Day, purchasing Christmas gifts for low-income families, and handing out free movie tickets for Random Acts of Kindness day.
- Grantmaking: Each year, the YAC awards grants from the W.K. Kellogg Fund to community non-profits and school organizations for youth-related projects in Shiawassee County. YAC members review the applications and make funding recommendations that are then approved by the SCF Board of Directors.
- Come to a meeting! The YAC meets once a month during the school year, usually at 2:00 pm on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Contact us for location details. Students who attend school or reside in Shiawassee County (including homeschool, Chesaning and Ovid-Elsie) and are grade 7-age 21 are welcome to apply.
- Complete the YAC Member Application!
Contact Information:
Bill Lentz, YAC Advisor
Amanda Bruner
Program Manager
217 N. Washington St., Suite 104
Owosso, MI 48867
(989) 720-7441 (office)
YAC Member Application
YAC Service Request Application
Are you looking for youth volunteers for a community event? YAC members are eager to give back their time and efforts to support the Shiawassee County community.
Looking for the YAC grant application? Find it here: Grants Page